Labor Law

In just its first year in force, the labor reform reduced the number of new lawsuits by 34%, according to data from the Superior Labor Court (TST – Tribunal Superior do Trabalho). On the other hand, there is an increase in the assertiveness of the claims, considering the caution adopted by the claimants’ lawyers.

LG&P proposes to ensure something that the labor reform did not achieve: to equalize the relationship between employee and employer. To this end, we conduct study groups on the client’s business, refine and make internal workflows less complicated, prepare witnesses and agents, and present indicators generated by jurimetrics. The firm thus provides a more competitive service provision profile.

The fronts of LG&P’s labor department work together, bringing performance indicators linked to the client’s business and focused on results.

LG&P’s work in Labor Law is prominent in the following areas:

  • Litigation
  • Consulting
  • Preventive
  • Auditing
  • Compliance
  • Expatriation